Life Takes Courage

By | November 29th, 2016|Jude's Blog|

      Life Shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage Anais Nin     Its exciting to be sitting down and writing blogs around the topics I love to share with my Art Journalers. We've just had an amazing morning unpacking and talking around the quote above by Anais Nin. Lots of talk ensued around what courage meant.................did we have courage...................what does it look like and is it something we learn or is it innate.  Does courage come forth easily we find it difficult and if so why??? Hows courage [...]

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Hello from Ruby Jude

By | November 5th, 2016|Jude's Blog|

Finally A blog after all this Time !!!   Wow seven years I've been painting for seems to me like forever!!! An incredible journey with its ups and downs....a journey that's given me insight courage and a sense of place within myself. As a little girl I really wanted to be on stage acting, singing and or dancing there seemed to be this deep passion within my soul to communicate a message, what about I  really didn't know back then. For a while my dreams came true I joined a Drama Club and [...]

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